The Safe Design Report & Risk Assessment template (SD03) assists designers meet their obligations under the WHS Act and Regulation to provide information to the client, principal contractor and anyone issued with the plans. It shows evidence of a systematic approach to integrating design and risk management which includes hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control.
The Safe Design Report covers hazards identified during the key lifecycle stages of the structure as/at a workplace during the construction (including demolition of existing structures), use, maintenance and demolition at end of the structure’s life.
The designer should firstly identify any potential hazards in each of the hazard categories over which they have control. If these hazards are adequately covered by a recognised standard, then these hazards will not need a risk management process. However, if the identified hazards are not adequately covered by a recognised standard or the designer could further eliminate or reduce the risk of this hazard then they should be included in the risk assessment.
The risk level of the hazard should firstly be assessed without any design controls so that the designer can show evidence of considering and eliminating or reducing the risk. The designer should then propose controls to eliminate or minimise risk using the hierarchy of design controls detailed in the Project Safe Design Review Form (SD05).
It is helpful for the design team to work together to use their knowledge to come up with design solutions for any hazards, particularly those that are high risk. Any items with residual risk should be noted, and areas of concern discussed with the client, other designers, the principal contractor, the operator or the maintenance contractor.
How to use
The report and risk register should firstly be drafted at the beginning of the design development phase and then updated at 70-80% documentation and final issue.
The document is an editable Excel spreadsheet which you can download, save and use to complete on your desktop, laptop or smart device. The document includes Risk Assessment Criteria Matrix for easy reference.
Purchase this as an individual item, or purchase this document template in the Complete Safe Design Documentation package.
Fully Customised Documentation for specific industries
As experienced Safe Design Consultants, we have an extensive library of safe design considerations and guidelines for the design of structures across a range of industries and structures. If you would like customised documentation for your particular industry or building project, get in touch, we can provide you with a quote to provide you Safe Design Documentation specific to your needs.