Safe design. The benefit of hindsight.

The benefit of hindsight. Changing outcomes for the future.

Safe design. The benefit of hindsight…

In February this year, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit regions of Taiwan. The image of a propped up Marshall Hotel in Huelin did the rounds on social media.

Many thought this image was comical (particularly without background of what happened) and sadly, many people lost their lives that day.

Earthquakes can’t be avoided. Every environment, region or structure, however, has its own unique circumstances or considerations, and regardless of whether it’s manmade or natural, risks can be minimised or in many cases, eliminated.

How could the application of safe design practice changed this outcome?

Consultation and collaboration with specialists to consider Safe Design throughout all phases of the design, construction and usage stages of a structure are important to ensure we continually innovate and improve, while also preventing and minimising injury through the design of safe structures and workplaces.

Emergency workers went to alarming lengths in this instance. And, we don’t have the complete view of the design, development and construction lifecycle for this project. But, do you think the outcome could have been any different in this situation?

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Find out more about safe design practice

For more information about the principles of safe design and how safe design can be integrated into your future building design projects, contact us.